Sometimes, Anime isn't as bad as what most people think.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Most people in our society think that animes are bad for us because they see it as a childish type of cartoon, or not its because they despise the way otakus and weaboos are doing. Like keeping anime figurines, clothings, wall scrolls, posters and even bedsheets. Well, to me, i feel that its ok. A hardcore fan of famous people do it too, so why cant anime fans do it too?

Most people say anime are childish or senseless. I couldn't disagree more. Why? Animes are split into different genres. Like we have on our movies; action, kids, romance, slice of life, NC16, R21. Its the same. Just that its animated and there are no real actors. So just because its animated means its childish? In fact, there are more anime shows that tells us about our lives and emotional stories than i see in real life tv shows. And i really like watching those. They portray the lives of different individuals and how each one of them have their own past and how are they living their lives to get though hardships. I don't see this often in tv shows.

I know there are alot of obsessed people about anime and more like cosplaying or people "marrying" an anime character. So what? Just let them do it. If there are girl and girl, guy and guy, why not let everyone have their own freedom and let them do as they please. It does not affect you the slightest.

I quote that i got from an anime that has the genre "Slice of Life" in it;

"These might be the happiest times of our lives,
  The past makes you want to die out with regrets,
  The future makes you depressed out of anxiety,
  So by elimination, the present is likely to be the happiest time."

Memories.... Memories.... Memories....

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Seems like it has been slightly more than a year since my last post.

Currently, i am about to ORD from my NS life in another few days time. 12th of June to be exact. Usually every would be happy, excited or dying to finish/ORD from NS. However, for some reason or another, i do not feel happy. People might think i am crazy or something. "NS is just like a torture place to you, everything you do is wrong and even if you are right, you will get punished! How can you like that kind of life! You are crazy!" - These are probably what most people would be thinking.

After my NS life, i am forced to work with all my pay going to my parents. And then go to a university and study where i have to study in fear that if i do not get good results, my parents will mistreat me worst than they are doing it now. Technically, what most people are saying about NS isnt wrong. But it seems like NS is the only way i can escape and take shelter from. Monday to Friday in camp, 3 meals provided everyday; work life is just following orders like an idiot, just do as you are told; basically i wont be at home often. The only downside is that i have no access to my computer to play games. Which is why i somehow feel NS might actually be better for me.

Well, at the same time, NS life has not been good for me too. There were alot of ups and downs while some got pretty bad too. I made a lot of friends whom i call "brothers" as we do stupid things together, get punished together and everyday was like a fun day to us, all for one and one for all; we basically go through hell together. At the same time, there are those who only seek to take advantage of others and will not hesitate to sabotage their close friends. My superior always liked me alot as a was efficient, hard working and would not mind going through shit to get things done properly. I am the kind of person who likes to help others and hate to see things not done properly or left half-done. For some reason, i just love to help others. Why? Maybe it was because i just wanted people to like me and ask me for help when they really are in need of it. There was this guy in my workplace who always asked me for help and always claimed credits for what i have done. To me, i do not mind that as i do not like to be in the spotlight of my superiors, i just want to help others, get things done right and finish the job assigned to me. Basically, i do not want trouble; and that is just satisfying for me already. However, he claim credits for my job and sabotaged me by telling my superior that i have been slacking off and he had to take over my job and do it; when i was the one who was doing both his and my jobs. I got punished pretty badly and got scolded by almost every single day of my life for something i did not do at all. Well, this is life in NS. Soon, i could not take it any longer and almost wanted to commit suicide. Obviously i didnt, or not how can a ghost be typing this post...

I got some help from other superiors and eventually i calmed down. But life did not get better. I knew my helpfulness would only cause me trouble and getting taken advantage of. But i still do not understand - "I only wanted to help, go ahead and take the credit from me, i just ask of you to say a simple thank you; your acknowledgement of my help and thanking me is more than enough and i would feel happy from that. It would also motivate me to help more people in the future." Sadly, in this ugly yet beautiful world, there must definitely be people like this to make up for all the happiness that others have. Everything must be even, when there is good, there will definitely be bad. Life works like that... At least now i know why we cant hope for too much...

Under the innocent sky, we have no wings...