
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yesterday... was... Geraldine's birthday... was to mi kinda like a havoc!!! I was somehow forced to prepare a present for her. I planned to give her after school. But some jokers like Edison and Sherman asked class to sing songs to her, i thought tat was all when suddenly Sherman said,' Ok its time to give Geraldine the present.' Then everyone was shouting Melvin... Melvin.. Melvin... So i had to pass Geraldine her present while some losers like Jovan , Edison and Darrel to pictures... Its really dumb!!!

Luckly Sakura was fun... HAHA!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I went to Sakura wif 4A yesterday... I thought it wasnt fun at first but well, i was wrong. Although they made Geraldine sit wif mi, i didnt really tat cared though but still the main thing is i had fun.. Will post the pictures when im free again...(kinda short of time now.ZZZ) Happy Birthday to Rebecca today(26/4) and Happy Birthday to Geraldine tomorrow(27/4)!!!

ZZZ... Times are good and bad...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sry 4 no updating 4 super long... I dun really have much free time to do it cus my mum is always nagging tat im not studying when i actually did study jus tat she didnt see only... I noe its kinda dumb but sadly... its true. Well... i still dunno if i should go Sakura 4 thr class 'bonding'(more like class bombing as they will be bombing talks about mi and Geraldine). See... its sad life 4 mi... I wonder if im really tat into her lor(dunno y i said tat.. sry so random). yeh... But anyway, i dun really care la... like i say i will play along for god cus he suffered more than i do.. Ah.. I really dunno wad to do. This is to the class:' If u continue teasing mi and the rest, this will neva end and also it will continue spreading more and MORE and .... So... [Don't start something you cannot end]'

Soooo Tired..

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Woah!!! 2day had Wushu practise in the morning from 8am till 11.30am then another practise from 7pm till about 10pm... It was super tiring sia.. But again.. Its worth it.. HAHA! Its only a small sacrifice of time.. From 2day onwards.. I have learnt to 'play' wif the class le.. I will not care how the class or wad the class do to say about mi and Geraldine!! And mi very sorry to those ppl who i said bad about cus i lost mi temper! Cus i think thrs no point to so anything, i will jus treat it as i am doing mi part to serve God by making tis another sacrifice!! I feel so happy!!

Good Friday

Good Friday... The day jesus died 4 us on the cross to 'clear' us from our sins... I went to church to attend mass 4 Good Friday. We were standing and kneeling the whole while... but it was wotrh it as i rather treat it as a small sacrifice compared to the biggest sacrifice jesus did to help us. Also i didnt eat meat 4 tat day too. Well, after tat, i went to a church near my sch 4 an event called 'Evoke your dreams' Group Elan (Golf, Top, Alvin, Qi Hao and Farizuan) and Funky3 (Benjamin and his hip hop 'gang') and congratz to Funky3 which won the competition.!!!

Happy B'day to all April frens!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Edison!!!! Tis is so random i noe!!!

Cake cutting session

So happy sia!

Geraldine looked shocked cus everyone also sang her a birthday song

The Birthday cake

Happy Birthday to Aliza! And to Geraldine on 27/4/2009! 2day we went to celebrate Aliza's birthday and Geraldine's upcoming birthday too. I was hoping tat it will be all done be4 the NAPFA test but it was delayed cus many didnt turn up... But still, we managed to have it after te test HAHA! Everything was going smoothly when SUDDENLY, so irritating ppl jus had to go and say craps like ' Eh Geraldine, Melvin wan take pic wif u'!! I was shocked man! I dunno who started tis sia! Then went to Shun's hse to do practically nothing... So i got a pic of Shun's maple character wif Edison's name lol! HAHA Edison u will regret tis 4 life and i stil dunno y i said tat.. And i sooooo hate 4A for 2day!!!