Transformers 2- Trailer

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pls remember to view in HD mode , put to fullscreen and max and blast the volume!!! And lastly, enjoy the trailer of [Transformers 2 - Revenge of the fallen one]

Organic Chem officially is dumb!!

It was kinda crappy cause my chem teacher decided to have a test to so called 'help us' to get a better grade 4 our previous chem test which was supposed to be our common test marks but a few ppl failed so she decided to 'help' them by telling the whole class to score B3 and above so tat she would consider adding the B3 marks into our common test grade.. But!!! B3 lehs and somemore is the whole class leh not one person dude!!! And after we protested, she decided to go according to our target marks and instead, i am now supposed to score A2... WTF!!! This so called 'help' was really useful!!! But hopefully it would be easy...

Transformers 2-Revenge of the fallen one

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Omg i so gonna watch this movie!!! I think it will definitely be the greatest hit all over the world!! I so cant wait man!! look at the transformers 2 trailer on the left below my profile.. Remember to max the volume, put to full screen be4 u watch and most importantly pls put to HD hor.. ... it would be better and cooler..

Funny protest???

Thursday, February 19, 2009

LOL 2day, teacher tried to take CME lesson away from us... So our class panda tried to protest to teacher about having CME lessons cause its less stressful and more relaxing... LOL its quite funny HAHA..!!!

The most crappy thing tat can happen!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oh crap the damm loser... 2day was a F***ed up day.. When assembly was supposed to end at 1.45pm, and it was 1.45pm and i was happy tat i could leave le when some loser at the speed of snail suddenly came in to tok to us about so dumb achievement and awards shyt stuff... He said,"School, if u all cooperate, this will end within 25mins only". i was lik u called tat ONLY, damm yr ass dude seriously. He took like 30plus mins and ended at about 2.20pm. Then got history remedial and i had to do my history homewk which was 2 essays cause i was busy studying 4 the chem and physics test so got no time to do the history homewk... Lucky Miss Chan was kind enough to allow us to do the other essay at home or not i think i come back 5pm le...

The best? day in my life..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oh?? PRESENTS!!! Haha.. The Ferrero Rocher and the Mercy chocolate was mine... Now All gone... Nooooooooooo!!
They both are super violent... Go Geraldine's blog to view the vid

Alvin and Yu Sen playing Wii boxing game...
And surprisingly EVEN MORE!!!! WOW...
More ppl starting to join...?!?!?!
At Alvin's house... Alvin playing poker cards and betting too...
The stupid gun was not working well so we practically wasted $2 per person for 1 game...
Thavan and mi playing House of dead 4...
Yi Ping trying to get a bigger toy but failed... Sadly..
Lucky Angeline... She tried so hard to finally get this soft toy in the plaza singapura arcade...

14/2 was valentine's day... After mi tution, i when waited 4 Angeline to come my house to put her deserts in mi fridge be4 going to plaza singapura to meet Thavan and Yi Ping to watch a movie.. We actually decided to watch Love Matters but because of some loser who wanted to follow the cinema rules we couldnt get in cause the show was nc16... So we watched Valkyrie a hitler movie... Then went arcade and play game till i didnt noe wad time was it... Sry Geraldine 4 calling mi lots of times to remind mi... Then went back home to collect mi food and mi father drove all of us to Alvin's house whr we were partying lol. So fun..

In schools.. Yeah!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jocelin using the fire hose and Mdm Tan telling her whr to spray...

2day, poor jia hao was not feeling well and vomited outside the class and 2more times dunno whr... Then, Mdm Tan tried to use water in her bottle to push the vomit into the mini drain but some of the vomit could not be washed off. So jocelin and angeline thought of an idea to use the water hose to spray as its more efficent and clever too. At first, Mdm Tan said tat the hose cannot use de but in the end, we jus did it... Haha

Yay? Gonna celebrate valentine's day @ alvin's house? WOW..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

2day Geraldine and Angeline announced tat we will be having a party on valentine's day at Alvin's house. At first i thought of how to bring the food then realized tat small food in large amounts were needed example, seaweed chicken about 50? lol but i went to cold storage and thy say no seaweed chicken lehs!!! i wonder if can change to crispy chicken or not cause its about the same as seaweed chicken jus tat its a little less crispy and more chicken in it? well i dun really noe how tell larhs... Well looks like i have to go tell ppl about the 'bad news'?

wad a dumb weather!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jia hao trying to send geraldine the pic of edison's funny face while edison trys to stop it.

After school many dumb and funny things happened... i practiced my piano song then went done to meet Geraldine, edison and jia hao... they were talking lots of funny stuff then jia hao took out his phone to take a pic of edison then when he took, edison gave a funny face any was captured on jia hao's phone. Haha then edison kept asking jia hao to delete the pic. Later jia hao showed geraldine the pic and she asked him to send to her. Edison was like' eh dun la, i dun tok to u already hor'. LOL
Later on after doing some of my tution work, i followed my frien to his bus stop then i took the bus back. Somehow, it rained heavily then when i alighted, i was surprised tat i saw james and jasmine neo and my house bus stop too. Thx to james, he lent both mi and jasmine umbrellas to go back so i was able to walk back but still got wet.

Yay!!?? or crap...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I finally was able to play almost the whole song (based on how i think) but still cant play the chords"C,D,E,F,G,A,B-flat,C,D' quickly in like 1-2sec? Which i dun think i wan add in... lols sry tat the audio suks i dunno y but i will try to add another one again. Next song, Sadness and sorrow-naruto... Here i

Isnt this dumb?

This is super dumb.. i found this wrapper of something( cant remember wad is it). The price tag states 'ladies ass RM3.90' lol cool..

Wad can happen!!

As usual... Kenan the panda

Then again. Jovan and Kenan playing chess

This was done a few weeks ago, 4got to put in my blog.. it says ' -pls align yr tables n chairs before u 'Balik Kampung!(go home) -pls dont leave used tissue in yr table holes, its gross! NOTE: dont dirty the classrm( it looks like shyt 4 god's sake)lol By the toilet cleaning comitte...

Change of e-mail address

Harloo everyone... i changed my e-mail to pls re-add mi thxs my other account will be inactive soon. Thx !

Wad do we usually do? Have fun!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Jovan and kenan playing chess its Obama(jovan-black) V.S John McCain. Who won its obvious.LOL... Poor McCain lost.. Sadly.

Jia hao the"big bully"? Bad boy eh?

Jovan, the next so called 'panda-follower of kenan'

Acting.. Edison's trying to be bad too.. Way to go boy.
Its it really true edison?Yr G@y?

Hai... Edison can be really famous in 4A.. Seriously

~Crazy times~

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tired??? golf looks sleepy?

Edison "acting noob"

Edison:"Play wif my hair ar.."
Jia hao n edison
Sumo wrestler jia hao piggy-bagging bee kuan
Bee kuan and jia hao 'bullying' edison

And again.. (edison getting irritated)

And again... (Resist, Resist)

Looks like edison is trying to "ta han" eh?
isnt tat mi mp4? Wads jia hao doin' wif it?

jia hao and Golf...
Jia hao and bee kuan acting crazily?

Joke? or not?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This was taken from Jing Kai's blog.

Teacher: Listen today I’m going to test you all on words that have the opposite meaning. When I say a sentence or word, all of you must answer quickly the opposite meaning to the words, understand?

Students: Understood teacher!
Teacher : I do not want any disturbance .
Students : (silence)
Teacher : Clever!
Students : Stupid!
Teacher : High!
Students : Low!
Teacher : Popular!
Students: Calafare!
Teacher : Wrong!
Students: Correct!
Teacher : Stupid!
Students : Clever!
Teacher : No!
Students: Yes!
Teacher : Oh God!
Students : Oh Slave!
Teacher : Listen to this!
Students: Listen to that!
Teacher : Quiet!
Students: Noisy!
Teacher : That's not a question, stupid !!
Students: This is an answer, clever!
Teacher : I'm dead!
Students: We're alive!
Teacher : I'm lazy to teach!
Students : We are hardworking to learn!
Teacher : Enough! Enough!
Students : More! More!
Teacher : Stop! Stop!
Students : Start! Start!
Teacher : Why are you people so stupid?!
Students : Because I am someone clever!
Teacher : Lack manners!
Students: Taught enough!
Teacher : O.K. Lesson has ended!
Students: K.O. Lesson has not started!
Teacher : Enough, stupid!
Students: Not yet, clever!
Teacher : Stand up!
Students: Sit down!
Teacher : I said CALAFARE was wrong!
Students: We said POPULAR was correct!
Teacher : You people are dumb!
Students: We are gifted!
Teacher : All of you must stay back this afternoon!
Students : Released tonight!
Teacher : (Keep quiet, gather her books and went out)

My super CRAZY schedule

Wanna noe wad i do? Caution: If u r those who slack do not read this!! thx

My mum is wad i can so call crazy la.
She gives mi like uncountable tutions... Dun worry its not like as u expected..

Monday-- come back from school 4pm, do school work,read newspaper(its a must..father will test mi de...) then 7.30pm chinese tution-- 9pm revise work/study and sleep...

Tuesdays-- come back from school 6.40pm cause of CCA then eat,bath then 7pm or 7.30(depends on wad time my sis starts her tution) chemistry tution then 9.++pm do school work or study or revise work then sleep..

Wednesdays--come back from school like 4pm then about the same as mondays jus tat tution is A.maths.

Thursdays--come back from school like 6.50pm CCA again... Then rush to bath and eat and rush off for english tution at kovan. then come back like 10.++pm and do school work.

Fridays--come back around 3pm if have remedials then do school work and rush all the tution work and then got tution at 7.30pm then revise work as usual...

Saturdays-- Ahh.. tat doesnt mean im happy hor.. 10am have physics tution then 4pm got another A.maths tution.

Sundays-- Go church to worship GOD!!XP then got E.maths tution at 4pm lol then rush to do all the tution work.

Well thxs for reading it till the end if u have done so and altogether i got a total of 8tution haha not alot right? lol 1 english, 3 maths, 1 chinese and 3 sciences... No kick la ha.. ZZZ life suks for mi. No point telling mi mum cause she's happier if i am sad. Well u wont understand unless yr mi..

Boring days-zzz

Ahhh......................... It sucks man.
the stupid principal tok 4 so long de veri dumb sia. Also, tat Mr Lawrence ask us bring pen to assembly in the end neva use at all. Wow? I still dun get it why the principal tok like speed of snail de. Its like he didnt came perpared with wad he gonna say wad a dumbo sia. He somemore say wad "you should take combined science instead of pure science cause can score better". But i thought tat if take combine science then will be lousy or something like tat. Can someone tell mi wad the diff between taking combined or pure science??? Pls comment or type in my flashbox.. Thx!!!~~

This is kinda dumb but still i wanna post it? Wow?

Monday, February 2, 2009

lol i started playing tis song from last yr till now but sadly thrs one part tat i cant play yet. Pls dont think tat i noe the whole song cause i only played wad i think is right and its an simpilified version of the song too... So dun be mistaken tat i noe how play so well and i some parts i really have to admit tat i did not play properly and kinda out of tune lol but its still good for a grade 0... Yeh!! lol -_-'''... I will try to post a better one again(updated)